Nelson County Food Pantry    

The Nelson Country Pantry is dedicated to assisting our county residents who find themselves in need of food assistance. On a monthly basis the Pantry provides supplemental food to more than 275 households which is approximately 6% of the population of Nelson County.
How does Nelson UMC help?
Our church assists the pantry with packing and food distribution the last Saturday of every month. If you would like to learn more about volunteering or just to learn more about the Food Pantry in general, click here

Food Pantry Monthly Food Donations

In addition to assisting with packaging and distribution of food at the pantry every month, our entire congregation assists with food donations. Each month we have a featured food item that is rich in protein which we donate to the pantry. Bring your donation to church each Sunday – we will take all collected food to the pantry every month
Monthly Featured Food Items Collected:
January – Canned Tuna
February – Canned Beef Stew
March – Dried, non-sugary cereal
April – Canned Salmon
May – Dried, non-sugary cereal
June – Canned Ham
July – Canned Chicken
August – Canned Fruit
September – Dried, non-sugary cereal
October – Stuffing (for Thanksgiving!)
November – Dried, non-sugary cereal
December – Powdered milk