We have a NEW church directory! Our online directory / church management system is Breeze. This allow us to keep our information updated quicker without having to wait for a printed directory (although a printed directory is available upon request!  
If you would like access to the online directory, send up an email to get you set up! Once we get your request to create your account, we will send you an invitation from Breeze for you to set up your personal portal.

Answers to Common Questions
To Get Set Up:
  • This is a password protected online directory. Access to the online directory is restricted to our church community. This is done by giving church members and friends an individual Breeze account.
  • You can CHOOSE what information will be viewable to others (address, phone, etc.) Those options are available on the information form.
  • You can CHOOSE to NOT have your information available in the online directory – it will remain private and the only ones who can see it are those that have higher level permissions, such as church leaders.
  • If you don’t have the ability to access the directory online, we can print one for you!
After Your Account is Set Up:
  • Once we receive and upload your information (which we will put into Breeze for you), you will receive an email invitation to create a log in for Breeze. Click here to learn how to set up your access.
  • Once your account is set up, you can see the directory by logging into your account and clicking on the People icon from the home page or from the header bar on the top. This will display the whole directory in alphabetical order.
  • You can load the Breeze app on your phone (search your app store for “breezechms”.) Once downloaded it will ask you for the church domain, which is nelsonumc. From there, enter your name and password as usual.
  • You can update your profile information at any time! From the home page of your account, click on the big “My Profile.”
    You will not be able to edit some information, such as Status, Membership Date, or add/remove family members. Please contact the church leadership to correct these kinds of errors.Do you prefer an app? Then you can download the breezechms app. The church username is nelsonumc. You can sign in AFTER we obtain your updated information and you receive an invitation from the site to create your account.
  • There is MORE – this program has the ability to mass text (you can opt to NOT receive texts on your mobile phone) for special events or emergency notifications (such as church closure due to weather, etc.) Don’t worry, we only get 250 free texts a month so we are very limited with what we are able to send out.
  • We will be able to mass email notifications through the site so you won’t miss important upcoming events, urgent prayer requests and other important notifications and opportunities.
  • There is an event calendar so you can keep track of things happening at Nelson UMC!